
Fairy Tail Meets Monster Hunter 4 In Capcom rsquo;s Latest Collaboration

Fairy Tail Meets Monster Hunter 4 In Capcom’s Latest Collaboration

Hiro Mashima is best known for Rave Master and Fairy Tail. The two successful series will have a crossover anime special later this month. Additionally, Mashima worked on Monster Hunter Orage, a Monster Hunter manga, about the adventures of a young Hunter named Shiki, whose goal is to defeat the legendary Myo Galuna.


We got a glimpse at Hiro Mashima’s latest contribution to the Monster Hunter universe with equipment designs for Monster Hunter 4. This week’s Jump magazines share some extra details.


Mashima designed the Zodias armor set, which has his characteristic rune styled markings wrapped around the Hunters. The Dual Swords, called Explosive Flaming Red Edge, will take shape of the Fairy Tail guild crest when it is sheathed, as seen on the image to the right. When the weapon is unsheathed, the right-side is said to have a rainbow-like aura.


Monster Hunter 4 will be available in stores and eShop on September 14th for Nintendo 3DS.

Read more stories about Monster Hunter 4 & Nintendo 3DS on Siliconera.

